[AI4Gov] Deliverable 3.1: Decentralized Data Governance, Provenance and Reliability V1

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D3.1 Decentralized Data Governance, Provenance and Reliability V1 is the first iteration of two deliverables, which aim to define and implement the framework that realises the data governance of AI4Gov both at the level of specifications and at the technical level. Since AI4Gov aims at transparency in data sources and, consequently, in AI-generated bias reports, it is imperative that:  a) data points and justifications can be traced back to the original sources and b) business logic that is common to all members of a consortium can be executed in a way that can be validated and approved by everyone.

Blockchain technology is a key enabler for storing data in a decentralised manner and executing mutually endorsed business logic in terms of a smart contract. D3.1 identifies the key enablers of implementing such a governance model both off-chain and on-chain using the HyperLedger Fabric framework. It identifies the fundamental mechanisms for anchoring data on the blockchain and defining and modifying blockchain governance policies both for data manipulation and for smart contract definition and execution. Furthermore, it establishes GDPR compliance by justifying that all tenets of GDPR are respected by the data governance framework, with special emphasis on the “right to be forgotten” and how this right can be enforced despite the immutable nature of the blockchain.

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