Deliverable 6.2: Specification of UC Scenarios and Planning of Integration and Validation Activities V2
We are excited to share the progress on our AI4Gov project with the release of D6.2 “Specifications of UC Scenarios and Planning of Integration and Validation Activities V2.” Developed as part of WP6 “Use Case Implementation, Validation, and Evaluation,” this document outlines the advancements in our pilot cases. Our AI4Gov solutions will be tested through […]
Deliverable 2.2: Holistic Regulatory Framework V2
D2.2 “Holistic Regulatory Framework V2” presents the final version of the Holistic Regulatory Framework (HRF), a comprehensive approach to regulating AI-based democratic processes. The HRF is designed to ensure lawful, ethical, inclusive, and transparent AI governance. It provides a detailed structure aimed at promoting fairness and inclusivity in AI-driven public services, addressing 15 key dimensions […]