AI4Gov was presented at the Data for Policy 2024 conference in London, earlier this month. Our team, from the Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Piraeus Research Centre, participated in Track 4: Ethics, Equity and Trustworthiness, with the presentation “Towards Fairer AI: A Visual Synthesis of Bias Mitigation Tools and Training Frameworks”, is part of Track 4: Ethics, Equity and Trustworthiness.
The presentation addressed the crucial topic of fairness in AI, presenting a visual overview of tools and frameworks for mitigating bias in AI systems. The team introduced the Bias Detector Toolkit, developed by AI4Gov, a visual catalogue synthesizing various bias mitigation tools. This toolkit aims to empower a wide range of stakeholders, from the general public to AI practitioners, with a nuanced understanding of available tools for detecting and mitigating biases in AI systems.