Deliverable 6.2: Specification of UC Scenarios and Planning of Integration and Validation Activities V2

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We are excited to share the progress on our AI4Gov project with the release of D6.2 “Specifications of UC Scenarios and Planning of Integration and Validation Activities V2.” Developed as part of WP6 “Use Case Implementation, Validation, and Evaluation,” this document outlines the advancements in our pilot cases. Our AI4Gov solutions will be tested through three pilots across Europe. The first pilot, “Using AI for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal,” is led by the Josef Stefan Institute (JSI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with a focus on international applications using resources like the SDGs and the OECD repository. The second pilot, “Tourism-driven Multi-domain Policy Management and Optimization,” is led by the Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni (VVV) in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Tourism (MT) in Athens, Greece. This local authority is governed by the Municipal Council and the Mayor, serving 50,585 residents and visitors. The third pilot, “Policies for Sustainable Water Cycle Management at a Large Scale,” is led by the Deputación Provincial de Badajoz (DPB) in Badajoz, Spain, focusing on local implementation and promoting economic and social development within the provincial territory.

D6.2 elaborates on the use cases and presents the initial results of WP6 activities. Eight (potentially nine) Use Cases (UCs) have been identified, covering sectors such as Sustainability/Health, AI Ethics & Policies, Tourism, Security, and Water Management. The JSI’s pilot will implement four UCs, while the pilot sites in Athens and Badajoz have identified two UCs each. The goal of these UCs is to aid policymakers in developing automated, educated, and evidence-based decisions, enhancing citizen trust in democratic processes and institutions through AI support. We have achieved a first integration of UCs and the production of initial DEMOs. An overview of the evaluation methodology is provided in chapter 4 of D6.2, with the complete methodology to be detailed in D6.4 “Stakeholders’ Feedback and Evaluation of the AI4Gov Use Cases V1,” to be released in month 24.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to advance AI-driven policymaking across Europe!

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