Uniting for a Better Future: Collaborating for Impact and Innovation
We are a group of like-minded organizations dedicated to working together towards a common goal. By pooling our resources, expertise, and knowledge, we are able to achieve greater impact and make a positive difference in our communities and beyond. Our consortium brings together a diverse range of perspectives, experiences, and skills, allowing us to tackle complex challenges and innovate in ways that would not be possible individually. Explore our website to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how you can get involved.


Project Coordinator
Maggioli S.p.A, is a leading Italian company offering a broad range of specific, highly professional solutions in several domains (business areas): i) Information Technology, ii) Services & Technologies, iii) Publishing, Training and Education, iv) Document Management, and v) Museums, Art and Culture. The company belongs to the Maggioli Group, which has more than 2000 employees around the globe.
Maggioli is the most qualified system integrator and leader in provisioning of complete IT solutions and services for the Local Public sector: more than 6,000 Municipalities out of 8,048 in Italy runs about 100.000 modules provided by Maggioli. In addition, it provides services to 3,800 museums and SMEs.
MAG will be the coordinator of the project given its proven experience in management large scale R&I projects and international collaborative projects. It will also lead the dissemination and communication activities.

ATM Grupo Maggioli (ATM)
ATM Grupo Maggioli is a company specialising in the development of Software, Products and Services specifically for the Public Administration, which operates throughout Spain, demonstrating its great competence and experience in the sector, maintaining constant growth based on specialisation, improvement and permanent innovation. ATM Grupo Maggioli is part of the Maggioli Group, leader in Italy in the Public Administration sector, and brings together the experience and know-how of the best Spanish companies in the sector, with a wide range of Software, specialised Consultancy, Publishing and Training. ATM’s effort will mainly focus on the analysis for the Holistic Regulatory Framework and on the exploitation/dissemination activities.

SIE will lead the exploitation/sustainability actions and the platform standardization. Will also contribute to the development of the platform’s building blocks (BIE, HRF, DGF).

IBM Israel Science and Technology Limited, better known as IBM Research – Israel, was first established in 1972. Since then, the lab has conducted decades of research vital to IBM’s success. The lab, located in Haifa, Israel, is one of ten research laboratories located outside of the United States. In Haifa, 75 percent of the technical staff have MSc or PhD degrees in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, or related fields. Employees are actively involved in teaching at Israeli higher education institutions and in supervising post-graduate theses.
R&D projects are being carried out at Haifa today in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, augmented reality, blockchain, healthcare informatics, security, quality and verification, computer vision, object storage, and more.
IBM will lead the XAI and Situation-Aware Explainability (SAX) models design and implementation.

UBITECH is a leading, highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government in order to allow the efficient and effective secure access and communication with various heterogeneous information resources and services, anytime and anywhere. UBITECH enables real-time valid information processing and decision-making, the realization of intelligent business environments, and B2B and B2C transactions by providing high added-value business –oriented and –based solutions.
UBITECH has been established in Athens, Greece back in 2005, concentrated initially in the Greek and Balkan market and acquiring several EC and national grants for novel R&D initiatives.
UBI will lead the development of the main building blocks of the AI4Gov, thus will lead the design and implementation of the blockchain development activities

Vilabs (VIL) is an SME that provides a wide range of research, development, and consulting services to national and international enterprises and organisations. Its interdisciplinary team of IT experts, political scientists, economists, and communication experts have great experience in EU-funded projects in various fields including IT, political sciences, and social inclusion. In the fields of Political & Social Sciences, ViLabs offers different services including project management, public sector support, software R&D, policy design, and testing and validation of project results, among others.
ViLabs, as political and social experts, leads the analysis of risks and threats to fundamental rights and values stemming from the utilisation of AI and Big Data. They also lead the overall coordination of the AI4Gov pilots.

UPRC will contribute research results on AI, XAI, causality inference, NLP, and bias detection. It will lead the respective tasks of WP4, while also lead the design and development of the data governance framework.

Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading research institution for natural sciences in Slovenia with over 1000 researchers within 25 departments working in the areas of computer science, physics, chemistry and biology. JSI hosts Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, which is one of the largest European research groups working in the areas of machine learning, data mining, language technologies, semantic technologies and sensor networks, International Research Centre in Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI), which is an organization under the auspices of UNESCO that aims to promote international cooperation and collaboration in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) for the benefit of humanity, and the Center for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies which is working in the areas of research results dissemination and eLearning and is also UNESCO Chair holder for Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Learning.
JSI will lead the specification and development of the VUF framework and the Bias Detector Toolkit, along with the design of specific training activities and materials targeting on enhancing stakeholder’s awareness on AI. It will act as one of the pilots leveraging project’s results for fostering the goals of its AI research centre (i.e., IRCAI)

AUTH will lead the research and development of the HRF, as well as the development of (self)assessment tools on ethical and transparent AI and the design of Inclusive AI approaches and workshops.

MT will contribute in exploitation activities as also will contribute with VVV pilot to enhance its policies.

VVV will exploit the AI4Gov platform to specify and implement a plan for the reengineering of citizen services and enhance citizen engagement, while mitigating also bias, discrimination and non-inclusiveness features.

WLC will lead the ethical/legal and regulatory management. Will act as the leading partner in the creation, provision and assessment of the regulatory sandboxes and of the HRF

Diputacion de badajoz
The Badajoz Provincial Council is the autonomous administrative entity governing the province of Badajoz, one of two provinces making up the Extremadura autonomous community in Spain. The Council's main function is that of providing public services to those municipalities in the region that lack a municipal service provider, and which are not attended directly through the regional or national administration. Sanitation, water management, and tourism are just some of the fields managed by the Council for its constituent municipalities. As a partner in the AI4Gov project, the Council's main role is as a use-case provider, contributing a large, well-curated dataset obtained from the water management system in the province, and testing and implementing the pilots developed as part of the AI4Gov project.