Use Cases
The developments of the project will be validated in three real life use cases, in different sectors:
- Policies for Sustainable Water Cycle Management at a Large Scale (Spain/Badajoz)
- Using AI for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal (Slovenia/Ljubljana)
- Tourism-driven multi-domain policy management and optimization (Greece/Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni)


DPB (Spain)
Diputación Provincial de Badajoz (DPB) is a local entity determined by the grouping of municipalities, with its own legal personality and is responsible for cooperation in the promotion of economic and social development and planning in the provincial territory, in accordance with the other public administrations in this area. In AI4Gov, the pilot will work on policies for sustainable water cycle management, both drinking and sewage water. The provincial council manages 63 drinking water treatment stations, to supply 137,910 inhabitants, as well as the treatment of its wastewater. The objective is to have intelligent tools that facilitate efficient water management, utilising the pre-existing Water Cycle management system and the data generated by it. The objective of this pilot is to provide a way to correlate the data obtained with possible causes of inefficiency within the system —leaks and water losses along the treatment cycle, off-hour electricity consumption, etc. This way, non-obvious solutions may be applied on a day-to-day basis by the overseeing technicians. The results will also be useful for policymakers to determine the best course of action regarding infrastructure improvements, budget allocation, etc. In this pilot, the data will be used in order to train the models to detect malfunctions in the water management systems of both drinking and sewage water.

JSI (Slovenia)
Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), in collaboration with the International Research Centre in Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI), an organisation under UNESCO, is dedicated to advancing the development and deployment of AI for the betterment of humanity. As part of the AI4Gov initiative, JSI has identified three key use cases. The first case involves the "JSI - Top100 projects," an annual release by IRCAI that showcases 100 AI projects tackling challenges related to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals. AI4Gov will improve the application and evaluation system of Top100 projects, to create the world's largest AI solutions platform for sustainable development, emphasising ethical considerations and real-life problem-solving. Additionally, JSI plans to develop the "JSI - SDG observatory," a web-based platform and toolkit that gathers and visualises indicators to measure the achievement of SDGs. Lastly, JSI intends to analyse and summarise national AI policies and strategies from the Organiation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). By focusing on chapters related to bias, JSI aims to create a visual summary of how these documents approach and tackle bias, while also highlighting examples of good practices. Through these pilot cases, JSI and IRCAI strive to contribute to the advancement of AI for sustainable development and promote global collaboration in this field.

VVV (Greece)
Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni (VVV) is a municipality of 50.585 residents and visitors, in the eastern part of the Attica region. With a long coastline, several seaside restaurants and bars, as well as findings and archaeological sites, visitors are attracted, especially during spring and summer. These visitors vary from people visiting the municipality from the wider Attica region mostly on weekends, to international seasonal visitors and people attending cultural and sports events. Given the municipality's thriving tourism industry, there is a pressing need to adapt and optimise policies across various domains, encompassing transportation, waste management, sanitation, healthcare provision, security, and public works. The challenge lies in dynamically adjusting policies based on citizen flows, considering spatiotemporal elements such as specific areas at particular timeframes, as well as addressing ad-hoc scenarios like severe weather conditions. Furthermore, updates to specific policies, such as parking management, should be coordinated with updates to other policies, such as waste management, in a bi-directional manner. In this context, the goal is to identify and predict specific citizen flows and propose efficient multi-domain policies to manage the citizens (and vehicles) flows in an optimum way. The VVV has identified two (2) UCs, in the domains of parking ticket monitoring and waste management.