AI4Gov Project Presents at the TI-2023 Workshop.

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July 5, 2023 – Coral Bay, Pafos, Cyprus – The AI4Gov project, committed to the exploration and development of artificial intelligence (AI) for transparent public governance, showcased its latest research at the Workshop on Next Generation IoT and AI systems for Trusted, Human-Centered Intelligence (TI-2023). The workshop, which took place in Coral Bay, Cyprus from June 19-21, was co-located with DCOSS-IoT 2023.

At the workshop, AI4Gov unveiled its research paper titled “AI4Gov: Trusted AI for Transparent Public Governance Fostering Democratic Values.” This research spotlights AI4Gov’s innovative approaches to incorporating AI into public governance with an emphasis on upholding democratic principles and maintaining transparency.

The TI-2023 workshop discussed the considerable impact of IoT and AI technologies across various sectors, focusing on their ability to optimize business processes, draw insights from large-scale data, and streamline the collection and processing of information from diverse data sources.

However, the workshop also identified and delved into the limitations that these technologies face, particularly when it comes to human-centred AI applications in the evolving context of Industry 5.0. The discourse underscored the crucial need for ensuring the trustworthiness, security, safety, and transparency of AI applications, all of which are essential for their acceptance and widespread adoption.

AI4Gov’s participation in this workshop and the presentation of their paper aligns with the event’s primary goal: exploring and promoting the technologies, tools, and methods that support the development, operation, and deployment of trustworthy and human-centered IoT/AI systems across diverse industries.

The AI4Gov paper showcases the project’s commitment to advancing the use of AI in governance, underscoring the immense potential of trusted AI technologies to transform public administration while maintaining a strong emphasis on democratic values and transparency.

Topics at the workshop included distributed data management, decentralized machine learning techniques, security and safety of IoT/AI systems, and methods for designing and deploying trusted IoT/AI systems. AI4Gov’s contribution to this dialog underlines the project’s dedication to the development of safe, reliable, and human-centered AI systems for public governance.

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